Nicotime - Cigarette Counter

by Spin Quantum

Health & Fitness


This app is free, clean, and simply designed to - track your smoking behavior and make you aware of it, as well as- regulate it by setting a self-selected (and anytime changeable) interval. The program was originally developed in its basic functionality by the father of one of the developers, and has now been further developed for him. It aims to impose cigarette breaks on yourself and thereby make you aware of your own smoking behavior on the one hand, and on the other hand to be able to restrict it in a targeted manner. It is possible to use this app to record other vices as well.Functionality description:SMOKE SCREENIn the smoke screen, the smoking process is recordedThe start of a smoke is only possible if the set interval (which can be changed at any time via this screen) has passed. The number of smoke processes performed so far today is displayed.STATISITCS SCREENThe statistics screen shows and enables different evaluations. For example, a timeline with the cigarettes smoked on the selected day (default today) is displayed, as well as a bar chart visualizing the number of cigarettes smoked per day in the previous week. LOG SCREENThe log screen shows all the cigarettes smoked and allows adding smokes that could not be recorded, as well as deleting smokes that were recorded accidentally.